Wednesday, July 7

Otterblog Alert: Bona Drag!

Sometimes in performing, you gotta break out of burlesque to do something different... Somtimes.   AEIOU and sometimes Y... As in Y-Chromosome, as in Why-drag as in Why-NOT??   Back in July, Disgrace and I donned our fanciest gowns to compete in our own drag-race at Bacon Strip's "Real Drag Housewives of Capitol Hill" series.   Of course, Disgrace is uber-talented, graceful and can lip-synch any strip-mall diva out of their pageant money... I, on the other hand, am... well... watch the video to see how this hot-tranny-mess tried and failed to rig the competition... Awesome video by Perry (& the Bacon Strip Youtube Channel) after the jump. Honor of the Late "Josephine"